Policy in compliance with art. 13 of the Privacy Code

Pursuant to article 13 of the code D.Lgs. 196/2003, vi the following information is provided.

This document describes in detail the types of personal data collected and recorded by our website and how they are used.

Log Files
This website uses log files. These files simply record website visitors – usually a standard practice of hosting companies and hosting analysis services.
Information contained in log files includes IP addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), information such as date and time, referral pages, entry or exit pages or number of clicks.
This information is used for analyzing trends, managing the website, monitoring user movement on the website and collecting demographic information. IP addresses and other information are not connected with personal information that could be identified, so all data is collected in a wholly anonymous form.
This website uses Cookies
Cookies are small text files that are automatically placed on your PC within the browser. They contain basic information on your web navigation and thanks to the browser they are recognized each time the user enters the website.
Cookie Policy
This website uses cookies, even from third parties, to improve navigation, to allow you to use any online services and to monitor website navigation.
How to disable Cookies
It is possible to disable cookies directly from the browser you use by accessing Settings (Preferences or Options). However, this might impair some of the website functionalities.
Managing Cookies
Cookies used by this website can belong to the categories described below.
  • Activities strictly connected with website operation:
  • These cookies have a technical function and enable the website to operate correctly. For instance, they will keep the visitor connected during navigation avoiding the need to log in again for subsequent pages.
  • Activities of preference saving:
  • These cookies allow the website to remember your preferences during navigation, for instance they allow setting the language.
  • Statistical and Audience Metrics Activities (eg: Google Analytics):
  • These cookies help us to understand, through anonymously collected and aggregated data, how users interact with websites providing information on the accessed sections, time spent on the website, or any malfunctions. This helps improve websites.
  • Social Media Cookies (eg: Facebook):
These third-party cookies are used to integrate some functions of the main social media and to make them available within the website. Notably they allow log-in and authentication on the website through Facebook and Google Connect, sharing and commenting web pages on the social media, enabling the “like” function on Facebook and the “+1″ function on G+.
Purpose of the Policy
Data can be collected for one or more of the following purposes:
  • allowing access to restricted areas of the Portal and of Portals/websites connected with this website and for sending information (including marketing), news, updates on this website initiatives and for companies controlled and/or connected to this website and/or its Sponsors.
  • possible transmission of the above data to third parties for e-commerce mailing and marketing ads;
  • compliance with laws and regulations;
  • contacts management;
How data is collected
I dati verranno trattati con le seguenti modalità:
  • Data will be treated as follows:
  • single-opt data collection in a database;
  • storing and processing on paper and/or magnetic support;
  • managing the databases (mainly automated), in accordance with Technical Regulations for minimum security requirements, Attachment B of the Privacy Code.
Mandatory data
All data required is mandatory.
User rights
  • In accordance with art. 7 (Right of access to personal data and other rights) of the Privacy Code, we inform you that your rights concerning data treatment are:
  • to be informed, by free access, of the existence of data treatment affecting you;
  • to be informed about the nature and purpose of the treatment;
  • to obtain from the website manager, without delay:
  • confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data affecting you, even if not yet stored, and comunication in an intelligibile form of the data and its origin, as well as of the logic and purpose of data treatment; the request can be repeated, except where justified by valid reasons, at intervals of no less than 90 days;
  • cancellation, anonymous modification or blocking of data violating the law, including data not requiring storage in connection with the purpose for which it was collected or subsequently treated;
  • update, amendment or, if desired, integration of existing data;
  • not consenting (fully or in part, by applicable laws) to the treatment of personal data even if pertinent to the purpose of data collection;
The controller of your data for all legal purposes is:
Renzo Freschi – asian art
Via Gesù, 17 – 20121 – Milano (MI) – Italy
Telefono: +39 027 94 574
P. IVA 03203320159
Codice Fiscale: FRSRNZ48P15C957B

In order to exercise your rights as per art. 7 of the Privacy Code or to cancel your data from the archive, please contact us through one of the available channels. All data is protected by antivirus software, firewall and password protection.

We believe additional protection for children online is important. We encourage parents and minor guardians to spend time online with their children in order to observe, take part and/or monitor and guide their online activity. We do not collect personal data for minors. If a parent or guardian believes our website holds in its database personal information of a child, we should immediately be contacted (using the e-mail provided). We will do everything to delete that information as soon as possible.
This privacy code only applies to our online activity and to visitors to our website with regard to shared and/or collected information. This code does not apply to any information collected offline or through channels other than this website.
Using our website implies giving consent to our privacy code and accepting its terms and conditions. For further information or any questions about our privacy code do not hesitate to contact us.